Your association experience should be better. The Pacific Southwest Association REALTORS® empowers real estate professionals by providing the best business tools, featuring CRMLS, the largest MLS in the country*. We are pleased to offer an incentive for REALTORS® who are currently paying for another MLS if they transfer to PSAR and CRMLS and experience the impact that CRMLS can have on growing new business!
Save over $350 on annual fees!! Including:
Save 5 months of MLS Free.
Save on REALTOR® dues.
Save on Sentrilock fees.
Save on MLS fees.
Or use this form to print, sign & email.
FREE 5-Months MLS!

145,000 + users strong
41 Participating Associations of REALTORS and MLS boards throughout California
More Data-Shares than any other MLS. (16 MLS's throughout California including SDMLS)
Sharing data with CRMLS does not mean
that your MLS shares data with the other 15 MLS systems.
More exposure for your Sellers
More Listings for Your Buyers
List and buy in more areas outside of San Diego County
More Business Tools
18+ innovative real estate products available to you – at no additional cost.
Your Personal Digital Business Card and Lead Generation System with SavvyCard
Smooth transactions with Glide Offers.
Professional listing tools with Cloud CMA
Generate more referral business with Proxio.
Gain access to Downpayment Resource inside Paragon and see which programs qualify for assistance programs.
Same Paragon Platform with more coverage and more data.
Try Matrix for an improved MLS search experience.
- Sentrilock lockboxes and keys for San Diego County.
- Supra Lockboxes and keys for out-of-area sales.
PSAR is also a 501(c)6 non-profit organization chartered by the National Association of REALTORS®. We are committed to empowering Real Estate Professionals to lead and achieve at the highest level!